New Carpet this Fall

Attention Library Lovers! We have an important announcement: we’re getting new carpet on the second floor.

We’re excited to see this improvement to our building. However, this means the second floor will be closed from Aug. 5 through Sept. 20. What does this mean?

🚫 No study room OR meeting room access.

🚫 No access to upstairs collections, which means fiction, nonfiction, large print, DVD, audiobook, or graphic novel collections

🚫 The Plant Propagation Station will not be accessible.  Plant parents, please adopt all these wayward plant propagations ASAP!

🚫 Second Hand Prose bookstore will be closed

🚫 No donations at this time-we don’t have anywhere to sort or sell them!

🚫 Due dates for regular materials in second floor collections will be extended beginning July 16 and will not be due until after the carpeting project is complete.

🚫New items will continue having regular circulating periods.

🚫The WOW! schedule and stops will continue as usual.

🚫All first floor collections, including Adult New Books, Jigsaw Puzzles, Children’s, Teen, and Spanish materials will remain available.

🚫A limited selection of second floor collection materials returned by patrons during the closure will be available on the first floor for checkout.

Thank you for your patience as we undertake this much needed improvement!