National Preparedness Month

Get ready for National Preparedness Month this September with a series of informative events brought to you by the City of Georgetown and the Public Library!

Starting September 1, don’t miss the Disaster Preparedness Backpack Giveaway, where you can secure a backpack with a USB power bank, readiness literature, and more! Registration begins online here at noon on September 1. Bags are limited, please only register for one per household. There are adult and child size versions available. Pick up your preparedness bag starting on September 8 at the Library.

Every Friday throughout the month, join us at the Library from 4-6 p.m. for Scan Days, where you can conveniently digitize important documents. USBs will be provided to keep your scanned copies safe.

On September 6 from 5:30-7 p.m., there is a presentation on “Getting Started with Solar Power” at the Library. Learn how to harness the power of the sun to make your home more sustainable and cost-effective.

Then, on September 7 from 5:30-7 p.m., join us again at the Library for a presentation on “Getting Started with Water Collection,” where you’ll discover ways to conserve water and contribute to a more resilient community.

These events are designed for folks who want to be empowered and prepared in the face of potential emergencies. Don’t miss out on these valuable opportunities to enhance your preparedness and sustainability knowledge! All events are free and open to the public.

Have any questions? Please reach out the Library at 512-930-3551 or by emailing us.