Family Storytime: Pandas!

HCPL - Storytime

This week’s storytime theme is “pandas”! Here are some wonderful books we might read in storytime:

Please, Mr. Panda by Steve Antony

The Perfect Sofa by Fifi Kuo

Sweet Dreams, Maisy by Lucy Cousins

Flo Story by Kyo Maclear, Pictures by Jay Fleck

Here are some songs and/or rhymes we might do in storytime:

Song: PANDA (tune: BINGO)
There was a bear who ate bamboo,
And Panda was his name-o.
P-A-N-D-A! P-A-N-D-A! P-A-N-D-A!
And Panda was his name-o.

Song: Panda Pokey
You put your snout in
You put your snout out
You put your snout in
And you shake it all about
You do the panda pokey, and you turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about.

Other verses:
Ears… tummy… paws… tail… etc.

Song: This is Big, Big, Big (Jbrary:
This is big big big (hold arms out to side)
This is small small small (cup hands together)
This is short short short (hold hands with palms facing each other)
This is tall tall tall (reach one hand above head)
This is fast fast fast (circle fists quickly)
This is slow slow slow (circle fists slowly)
This is yes yes yes (nod)
This is no no no (shake head)


See you there!

Family Storytimes starting January 2nd-May 31st: Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9:30, 10:15. and 11:00, Fridays at 9:30 and 10:30 except the 3rd Friday of each month unless otherwise stated in the calendar